This week we celebrated the 100th Day of School. Our 100th day was packed full of fun new activities. It started with Ms. Torborg hid 100 Starbursts all around the room. Each piece of candy had a special number we had to identify after we found it. We created a 100th day crown with 100 dots and completed a math & literacy 100th day packet. We also created a picture of ourself when we are 100 years old and then we made a list of things that we want to do before we are 100 years old (a bucket list). We also started our Valentine’s Day celebration by learning a little bit about St. Valentine. St. Valentine was killed for celebrating the Mass and marrying people. In honor of Valentine’s day, we did some writing about love that we turned into a new class book. We each created a page about all of the things that we love. We also did some Valentine’s math with a box of candy hearts. We did some estimating, patterning, adding, graphing, and measuring. In the end, we got to eat some!
We started reading by reviewing all of our letters and letter sounds. Then we were introduced to our next letter Gg. We watched the video and created our a list of words that had the /g/ in the beginning and at the end. We also completed our letter G sorting worksheet. After that, we talked about why people create lists (grocery lists, chore lists, to-do lists, etc…). Together we created a list of things we want to do when we grow up. As Ms. Torborg wrote our list, we noticed that each item was written on a new line and that they were not sentences. We took our knowledge of lists to write our own list. We created a list of things that we want to do before we are 100 years old (a bucket list). We had to write at least 6 things we really want to do when we are an adult. Finally, we were introduced to nouns. A noun is a person, place, or thing. After reading the story, A Mink, A Rink, and a Skating Rink, What is a Noun?, we watched a couple of short videos that helped describe nouns. Then we worked on identifying different nouns with a partner.
In math, we were introduced to the + symbol. It is called an addition or plus sign. It means we need to put them together. We use it with a some and some more story problem. After watching a couple of short videos, Ms. Torborg showed use how it works. As Ms. Torborg told a number story, she put some counters on the left side of the symbol to represent what happened in the beginning. Then the addition symbol and counters on the right side to represent what happened next. To find the answer, we had to put them together. Then we gave it a try with our own addition symbol and counters.
In religion, we talked about families. On the front of our first worksheet, we shared a bit about our family. We identified ways our family was like the picture and ways it is different. On the back, we drew a picture of our family. Next, Ms. Torborg read us the story of The Loving Father. After discussing the story, we had to put the pictures in order by numbering the boxes on our second worksheet. Finally, on the back, we said a little prayer for our family as we colored in the word family.
Happy 99th day of School! We are really close to the 100th day, so we started in on the fun a little early in the afternoon.
In reading, we were introduced to a new game, Spin to Win. On our turn, we had to spin the spinner and write down the ending sound on our paper next to a beginning sound. Then when all of the blanks were filled, we had to read each word and decide if it was a real or nonsense word. The person with the most real words won. We ended our reading time with an introduction to 2 new sight words, that & was, completing our 2 sight word worksheets, and reading through our new emergent reader, A Valentine for Me.
After recess, we created a picture of what we will look like in 100 years. First, we cut out our head and shoulders. Then we glued them on the frame. If we wanted wrinkles, we had to crush our head piece first. Next we used cotton balls to create hair (on top of our head and facial hair). We also had to create facial features-eyes, nose, mouth, glasses, etc... Finally, we attached our bucket list that we wrote in the morning.
In the afternoon we started on some of our 100th day activities. We colored the number 100 and we colored and cut out an oval with the words, “I’m a 100 days smarter!”
In religion, we talked about our friends. We shared some of the things that we like to do with our friends. On the front of our worksheet, we drew a picture of our friend. Then on the back we said a prayer for our friend. We ended by playing a game with our friend. Our second worksheet, was a game board. We had to flip a coin. If it landed on heads, we moved 1 space. If it landed on tails, we had to move 2 spaces. The first person to the end, won!
Happy 100th Day of School! Ms. Torborg gave us a special treat for snack. We each had a plate with a stick cookie and 2 round cookies at our table spot when we got to school. It looked just like a 100!
We started our day with a special activity for us. Ms. Torborg hid 100 Starburst Candies around the classroom. Each one was numbered. When we found one, we had to read the number on the bottom and then find that number on a hundreds chart. We spent a few minutes looking Starbursts around the room.
After Title, we listened to the story, Ms. Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten. Then we completed our calendar binders and confirmed that yes it was the 100th Day of school.. Then we got started on some special projects. For our first project, we made a crown with 100 dots on it. After coloring and cutting out an oval with the words, “I’m a 100 days smarter!” on it, Ms. Torborg turned it into a hat. Our next job was to add 100 dots to it. We decided the easiest way would be to put them in groups of ten. So we put 10 dots on a strip of paper with a bingo dobber. Then Ms. Torborg stapled it out our hat. After each strip was added, we had to count how many dots were on our hat. We repeated this step until we had 10 strips or 100 dots!
For our next project, we created a necklace with 100 fruit loops. We started by placing 10 fruit loops on a strip of paper. Then we put them on the string that was attached to our number 100 that we colored yesterday. We had to repeat this process until we had 10 groups of 10 or 100 fruit loops on our necklace. When we were done, Ms. Torborg helped us tie it off to form our necklace.
After lunch, we dug into our 100th Day packet. We wrote about what we would buy with 100¢ and $100. We also wrote about something we had 100 of and something we wish we had 100 of. Then we worked together to read 100 words! Next, we worked on skip counting by 10’s & 5’s (writing the numbers). We did some estimate and weighing. We had to decided which bag of goodies is heavier before we weighted them. Finally, we played a game of Roll & Record and created a mystery picture by coloring in the given numbers.
At the end of the day, we could have a little free time or we could spend some time looking for the missing Starbursts. We were unable to find 8 of them. Hopefully we can find them tomorrow. Before we went home, we divided up the the Starbursts we found. We each got to have 7 Starbursts!
We started our day off with a story, The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever. Ms. Torborg introduced us to speech bubbles. Speech bubbles help identify who is talking by who the arrow is pointing at. This story was full of speech bubbles. Then we worked on either a writing project or reading stations. For our writing project, we created a new class book, I Love... We each had to write 5 sentences that started with I Love. We could finish the sentences anyway we wanted. The goal was to add some describing words to our objects. We also reviewed the letter G by watching a video, creating a list of words that began with the /g/, and completing our letter g worksheet.
In math played a new game, The Train Game, with a partner. To play, you need a pile of unifix cubes (interlocking blocks), a game board, and a special dice. On your turn, you had to roll the dice and collect that many cubes. As you add the cubes to your train, you had to identify how many cubes you had, are adding, and end with. Then it is the other person’s turn. The first person with 20 cubes wins.
In religion, we talked about two saints, St. Benedict and St. Scholastica. They were twins who both loved God very much. St. Scholastica founded a monastery for nuns and St. Benedict founded several monasteries for monks. St. Scholastica is the patron saint of nuns and her feast day is February 10th. St. Benedict is the patron saint of students and his feast day is July 11.
In reading, we spent some time illustrating our writings from yesterday. We needed to draw a picture to go with our words. We also listened to the story of St. Valentine. Saint Valentine lived a long time ago in the 3rd century. The king made a law that you had to worship his God and could not be a Christian. He also made a law that no one could get married because he wanted a strong army. Valentine didn’t follow these rules. He secretly held Mass and married people. When the king found out, he put Valentine in jail but that didn’t stop him. In the end, Valentine was killed for his beliefs.
In the afternoon, we did a little Valentine’s math. For our math lesson, we got a bag of candy hearts. We started by guessing how many hearts were in the bag before we opened it. Then we opened it, sorted and counted them. We recorded our information on our math paper with tallies and the number. The next step was create a graph with that information. After graphing them, we did some patterning, addition problems, and measuring with our candy hearts. When we were done, Ms. Torborg gave us a few candy hearts to eat!