This week was monster week! We discovered monsters are just creatures from our own imagination. We tried creating a monster from a given set of directions. Even though we each followed the same directions our monsters were all different. We decided that was because each of us are different and everyone has their own imagination. We also read the story Where the Wild Things Are and we listened to an interview with the author/illustrator. We found out that he made the book about monsters because they were the easiest to draw. There is no set way a monster has to look. Armed with that information, we set out to draw and color our own monsters. Then we each wrote a short descriptive story about a monster from our imagination that we turned into a class book. We ended the week by creating a monster and planting monster hair! Hopefully it will grow with some sunlight and water.
Today in reading, we were introduced to 2 new sight words, not & then. Then we reviewed all of our sight words before we completed our sight word worksheets. We were also introduced to 0ur new emergent reader, Best Friends. Before we read the story, we each made a prediction about what we thought the story would be about. As we read the story, we talked about what was happening in the story along with the different number and kinds of sentences.
This week our theme is monsters. We started with a listening activity. We had to listen to the directions on how to draw our monster. Like draw a big circle for the face or draw a mouth with one tooth. The we had to color our monster according to the directions. When it was time to look at everyone’s monster, they were all different! Even though we each followed the same directions our monsters were all different. We decided that was because each of us are different and everyone has their own imagination.
In math, we were introduced to a number line. We have used a number line before when working on identifying the order of numbers. We also addd a number each day to our growing number line. Today we learned how to add numbers together using a number line. First, we need to read the number sentence (4+2=?). It tells us exactly what to do. We start on the first number. The second number tells us how many jumps to make. Since it is an addition number, we need to jump forward. After solving several problems on our own number line with a teddy bear counter, we used the number line in our calendar binder to solve a addition problems by drawing the answer.
In religion, we reviewed the first seven stations of the Cross. Then we colored the Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem.
In reading, we talked about monsters again. Monsters are funny looking creatures. They can look anyway the illustrator wants. After reading the story, Where the Wild Things Are, we listened to an interview with the author/illustrator. We found out that he made the book about monsters because they were the easiest to draw. There is no set way a monster has to look. Next, we worked on on drawing a picture of a monster. We could create any kind of monster we wanted. Ms. Torborg helped us out by reminding us of different body parts a monster might have such a body, hand, and feet. Once our picture was complete, we completed a is/has/can worksheet. First Ms. Torborg completed one on the SMARTboard for her monster. Then we had to complete our worksheet. We had to write at least 3 different items down under each heading. Since we created our monster, we could imagine them doing and saying anything we wanted.
In religion, we reviewed the first eight Stations of the Cross. Then we colored the Ninth Station: Jesus Falls for the Third Time.
In math, we completed our calendar binders and reviewed number lines. Then we completed an addition number line worksheet.
We also spent some time working with the Beebots. Today, we were given a code for the Beebot. We had to enter the code and record where it landed. The trick was to make sure we wrote the word correctly.
Yesterday we drew a monster. We also completed a is/has/can worksheet about our monster. We had to write at least 4 different items down under each heading. Today we did a writing project about our monsters. We used our is/has/can worksheets to help us write a description of our monsters. We had to write at least two sentences from each of the categories. We had to make sure that they were complete sentences telling the “who” and the “what”. Plus it had to have capital letters and end marks. Since we created our monster, we could imagine them doing and saying anything we wanted. We also listened to the story, Monsters Love Underpants, two times. The first time we listened for what was happening in the story. The second time, we tried identifying the rhyming words on each page and the sound words we heard. Plus we completed a short vowel worksheet using the Beebots and we completed a short o worksheet.
In math, we were reviewed adding on the number line. Today we learned how to subtract numbers using a number line. First, we need to read the number sentence (4-2=?). It tells us exactly what to do. We start on the first number. The second number tells us how many jumps to make. Since it is an subtraction number sentence, we need to jump backwards. After solving several problems, we completed a subtraction number line worksheet.
In religion, we reviewed the first nine stations of the Cross. Then we colored the Tenth Station: Jesus’s Clothes Are Torn Off.
After recess, we gathered together as a whole school via Zoom for the Stations of the Cross. Mrs. Lingen lead us as we listened to what happened at each station and said a short prayer.
In reading, we were introduced to word ladders. We started by writing a word on the bottom of our paper (just like climbing a ladder). Then we write our next word on top of it and so on and so forth. For each word we write, we can only change 1 letter from the previous word to make a new word. So if our first word was can, our next word is cat, and then fat. Today, we had pictures to help us figure out which letter to change.
We also reviewed nouns. A noun is a person, place, or thing. After watching a couple of videos, we completed a sorting activity together as a class and a sorting worksheet on our own. We also completed a secret word in the -en family worksheet.
In the afternoon, we made a monster! The base of our monster was a big cup. Then we added things like eyes, ears, mouth, and a nose. Then we planted some monster hair (grass seeds) in the inside. Hopefully it will grow and our monster will have hair.
In math, we were introduced to Number Bonds. Numbers bonds are one way we break a number up into 2 numbers that equal the original number. We worked together to figure out the different ways to break the number 5 into 2 groups. We were also introduced to dominos. Today we worked on identifying different groups of numbers on dominos. After examining several different numbers, we played a new game, Domino Flowers. This is a game that can be played by yourself or with a partner. To start we had to put a domino on each petal of our flower game board. On our turn, we had to roll 2 dice and add the numbers together. Then we had to look through the dominos on our flower to see if any of them added up to the number on the dice. The goal is to remove all of the dominos on your flower.
In religion, we talked about St. Peter. When Peter grew up his name was Simon and he was a fisherman. We found out that he was one of the apostles that walked and talked with Jesus. Jesus not only changed his name he also asked him to build the church. His special feast day is June 29th.
Our morning was filled with Mass, music, and Spanish class. After lunch, we completed a reading worksheet before we were off to watch a movie. Today was the reward for all of the hard work we did last quarter. We could choose between 3 different movies to watch in different classrooms.