We had an amazing first week of school in the Kindergarten classroom. It was so much fun to meet all of our new classmates. We started our school year off by reading the story Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten. We read about all the different things Miss Bindergarten and her students do to get ready for the first day of Kindergarten. Then we each said something we did to get ready for school. This week we really worked on some of our daily routines like lining up, walking in the hallway, lunch time, and so on. Finally, we did several Kissing Hand activities. We read four different books about Chester the Raccoon. We also made a Kissing Hand book, learned about being a bully, and created a Chester Raccoon.
Labor Day
Happy First Day of School!
Highlights from the Day:
Gathered as a school at the flagpole for prayer and pledge.
Listened to the story Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and shared something we did to get ready for school.
Put all of our supplies away.
Took pictures with our 5th Grade Buddies
Worked on learning rule and daily routines
Sang the Better Alphabet song
Daily Calendar - using our new calendar binders
Music class with Mrs. McCarney
Listened to the story, The Kissing Hand, and made special handprints for our parents
Free play time/playing with our new classmates
Worked on daily routines
Sang the better alphabet song
Introduced to whisper phones
Introduced to picture walks through a book.
Silently read through the books in our reading bin.
Listened to the story, A Pocketful of Kisses.
Traced and colored our handprint - Ms. Torborg put all of our pictures together into a class book
Helped Ms. Torborg fill out a get to know me worksheet by answering some questions.
Calendar binder
Partner Match activity - comparing the length of pieces of paper
Introduce/reviewed the Sign of the Cross
Sang the better alphabet song
Introduced to our first word: I
Listened to the story, Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully
Completed a Chester Raccoon color by number
Calendar Binder
Introduced to pattern blocks (triangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, hexagon)
Discuss Saint Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary, watched a short video about her life, and colored her picture in our saint book. Her special feast day is September 8th.
Sang the better alphabet song
Worked one on one with Ms. Torborg so she could check our letters and letter sounds
Introduced to the iPads - procedures and rules
Practiced our letter skills on the iPad
Calendar Binder
Mass at the church
Marathon Rally- Our activity was making connections. We found different ways were were each connected. We have raised $1,100 and have earned our first prize. Next Tuesday, we get to bring our stuffy to school for the day.