The theme of the week was scarecrows in the Kindergarten room. We started the week by talking about living and nonliving things. We discovered that all living things need air (to breathe), food (to eat), and it has to change & grow. Throughout the week, we were able to classify many objects as either living or nonliving things. From there we determined a scarecrow is not a living thing. We know that scarecrows are made out of old clothes, hay, and a pole. Their job is to scare away the crows. We wrote about an imaginary scarecrow, identifying 2 things our scarecrow could do and one thing it couldn’t do. When everyone was done, we turned our pages into another class book. (It can be found on our class website.) Along with our writing project, we created a scarecrow glyph, (A glyph is a pictorial form of data collection.), sorted objects into living and nonliving things, and we made a scarecrow with moving arms and legs.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Introduced to the letter Ii - Completed a letter Ii worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /short i/ and /long I/
Introduced to our new word, to
Read through our emergent reader, Scarecrow Goes…
Introduced to Living and Non-Living things - watched a video and listened to a story
Living things need air, food & water, & to move and grow.
Sorted items into living and nonliving things
Sang our number song and air wrote our numbers.
Completed the number 6 page in our Number Galore book
Quick Looks - trying to identify a group of objects without counting them
Gospel Weekly - We learn to follow Jesus.
Introduced to the letter Uu - Completed a letter Uu worksheet
Reviewed the characteristics of living and nonliving things
Listened to the story Living and Nonliving and watched a video about living and nonliving things
Completed a worksheet identifying if the given item is living.
Created a class book - we each wrote 2 things our scarecrow could do and 1 thing he could not do and then illustrated our page
Sang our number song and air wrote our numbers.
Completed the number 7 page in our Number Galore book
Composed and decomposed numbers on a five frame
Listened to the story of Adam and Eve
Introduced to the letter Jj - Completed a letter Jj worksheet
Reviewed letters, words, sentences
Listened to the Secret Story of Sneaky Y
Reviewed the characteristics of living and nonliving things
Watched a video about living and nonliving things
Completed a living or nonliving sorting worksheet
Listened to the story of The Shy Scarecrow - Identified what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story
Created a Scarecrow Glyph - After coloring each part of the scarecrow according to a specific directions, we had to cut it out and glue it together.
Sang our number song and air wrote our numbers
Completed the number eight page in our Number Galore Book
Worked on describing shapes
Petition Prayers - talked about the importance of praying for others and then spent some time doing it.
Introduced to the letter Yy - Completed a letter Yy worksheet
Introduced to Syllables - Breaking words into parts
Reviewed the characteristics of a living things
Created a dingle, dangle scarecrow
Sang our number song and air wrote our numbers
Completed the number nine page in our Number Galore Book
Introduced to math stations
Tomorrow is the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. We watched a short movie about him and colored a picture of him in our Saint Books.
Introduced to the letter Cc - Completed a letter Cc worksheet
Reviewed characteristics of living things and completed a living and nonliving sorting worksheet
Sang our number song and air wrote our numbers
Completed the number Ten page in our Number Galore Book
STEM kit - Zometools - Building Shapes
Marathon Rally- Our activity was to get your team across the water. You were given a boat, but no more than 2 people could be in it at a time. We have raised almost $30,000 and earned our next prize.