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September 11-15

Apples, Apples, and More Apples! This week the kindergarteners learned about apples. We started by learning a few facts about apples. Did you know that there are more than 7,500 different kinds of apples? We found out that apples start as seeds, grow on trees, and are flowers before they are apples. We read several non-fiction books about apples to gather more facts about apples. This week we each brought an apple to school from home. Everyone’s apple was a little different. We counted, measured, and weighed our apples. Finally we made a class book about the apples we brought. After drawing a picture of it, we had to write the color words that matched our picture.



Introduced to the rules and procedures of the computer room

Practiced our mouse skills on the computers

Continued working on building our reading stamina with silent reading using our reading bins

Introduced to the Secret Stories Book and Posters

Listened to the story of the Letter A - Letter A is a vowel and all vowels are superheroes in disguise. When a vowel because a superhero, it says its name. When the letter A is in her lazy disguise, it sits around all day and eats apples. (It says its short name.)

Gathered information about apples from songs, videos and books

Listened to the story, Ten Apples Up On Top

Practiced balancing apples on our head


Created a picture of our head with ten apples piled on top of it


Listened to the story of Creation from the bible

After lunch, we spent some time playing games with our 5th grade buddies in our classroom. We could pick any game from the game shelf. Our buddies were able to teach us how to play some new games!


We had our first drill today. We practiced as a class - walking down the back stairs, kneeling low and covering our heads. Then after lunch, the alarm when off and we practiced as a whole school.


Introduced to a new sight word, the

Read through our first emergent reader, The Farm

Introduced to our reading finger (monster finger). We use our reading fingers to point to the words as we read them.

Continued working on building our reading stamina with silent reading using our reading bins

Listened to the story of the Letter E - Letter E is a vowel and all vowels are superheroes in disguise. When a vowel because a superhero, it says its name. When the letter e is in his lazy disguise,, she is a little old lady who can’t hear. She always cups her hand around her ear and says Ehhh.

Gathered information about apples from songs, videos and books

Listened to the stories, Apples and From Blossom to Fruit

Explored the life cycle of an apple

Created an apple life cycle



Introduced to standardized testing procedures on the computers. First Ms. Torborg should us the different kinds of questions and how to move and click on the answers. Then we went to the computer room to practice for ourself. We also played a game to practice our mouse skills.


Retold the story of Creation and colored a picture



Shared our “Treasure”Boxes”

Listened to the story of the Letter I - Letter I is a vowel and all vowels are superheroes in disguise. When a vowel because a superhero, it says its name. When the letter i is in his lazy disguise, he bends to the side, puts his fingers next to his mouth and says “ihhh”.

Listened to a story about apples

Identified different facts about apples.

Took a NWEA screening reading assessment. It was like practicing to take our standardized reading test. We had to do things like identify letters and sounds, find matching sounds, and match capital and lowercase letters.



Played the counting game, Gotcha

Completed 4 different station rotations with a partner.

1 - Gathered data from our apples. We drew a picture, measured, weighted, and checked the buoyancy of the apples we brought from home.

2 - Played Hi Ho Cheerio

3 - Played Zingo

4 - Played Frog on a Log



Listened to the Secret Story of the letter O. Letter O is a vowel and all vowels are superheroes in disguise. When a vowel because a superhero, it says its name. When the letter o is in his lazy disguise, he is always at the doctor. He is worried about germs and doesn’t want the stick the doctor uses to touch his mouth so he opens really big and says Ahhh.

Identify the Front and Back of a book (the front of a book such as the title, author, illustrator, etc.)

Practiced tracking from left to right

Reviewed our 2 sight words, I & the - looked for our words as we read books in our book bin

Created a class book about our apples - we each created a page by drawing a picture and writing a describing word



Took a NWEA screening Early Numeracy math assessment in the computer room. We had to do things like match, count and identify numbers, identify more and less, and answer questions moving objects.

Went on a number hunt - Looking for items in our classroom that have numbers on it. We had to make sure to find numbers not letters. After looking around for a bit, we created a list of the different things/places we found number

Completed a dot to dot puzzle that formed a slice of apple pie. Then colored the picture.


Learned a little bit about St. Theresa of Calcutta by watching a short video and coloring her picture in our saint coloring book



Reviewed our two sight words, I & the

Listened to the Secret Story of the letter U. Letter U is a vowel and all vowels are superheroes in disguise. When a vowel because a superhero, it says its name. When the letter u is in her lazy disguise, she pretends to be a student who never listens to the teacher, so she doesn’t know what is going on. When asked a question, she scratches her head and says uhhhhhhh.

Colored a pictures of an apple according to the color words listed. We had to match the letters to the color word poster if we didn’t know them.



Explored the number 0 and completed the first page in our number book


Mass at Church

Marathon Rally- Our activity was working together with our group to make the longest paper chain. We have raised over $4000 and earned our second prize, a bomb pop. We sure enjoyed ending our day with a treat.


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