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October 7-11

Fire Safety was the theme for the week in the Kindergarten classroom.  We started the week with a visit from some firefighters from the Litchfield Fire Department.  They came to teach us about fire safety.  We also got to look through one of the fire trucks and practice shooting water with the fire hose.  We spent the rest of the week learning about fire safety.  First we reviewed what to do if the fire alarm goes off at school.  We practiced quietly lining up and walking out the door and down the sidewalk to our meeting place.  Now that we have an escape plan at school, we talked about the importance of having an escape plan and special meeting spot at home.  We also identified several different fire safety tips such as have 2 ways out, stay low and go, stop, drop, cover your face, and roll.  We each had to write and illustrate one fire safety tip.  Then we turned them into a new class book, Fire Safety Tips.  At the end of the week, we had some fun making a fire picture while learning about mixing paint colors.  We put a blob of yellow paint and a blob of red paint on a piece of paper.  When we mixed it together, it turned orange.  We made it look like flames.  Once our paint was dry we added a house and a fire truck to our paper.  A highlight of the week was making fire truck crackers.  We took ordinary graham crackers and decorated them to look like fire trucks.  Then we got to eat them!  We ended the week with Chip and Dale, the Rescue Rangers, teaching us about fire safety.



  • Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song

  • Phonological Awareness Warmups

  • Introduced to the letter Ee - Completed a letter Ee worksheet 

  • Created list of words that begin with the /short e/ and /long e/

  • In honor of National Fire Prevention Week - The Litchfield Fire Department stopped by to tell us about fire safety.  We…

    • learned about what to do when a smoke alarm goes off

    • saw a fire fighter all dressed up 

    • explored the contents of the new fire truck

    • practiced shooting water with a fire hose

    • gave the fire fighters the Thank You pictures we colored.


  • Calendar Binder

  • Number Talk

  • Explored triangles.  After describing them, we went on a hunt in magazines to find triangles.


  • Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  In honor of Mary, we examined a rosary.  After looking at the rosary and counting the different beads, we prayed 1 decade of the rosary.  Then watched a video with Brother Francis explaining what the rosary is and why we say each prayer.



  • Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song

  • Phonological Awareness Warmups

  • Introduced to the letter Ff - Completed a letter Ff worksheet 

  • Created list of words that begin with the /F/ - we even helped Ms. Torborg spell them.

  • Listened to the story, Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill

  • Talked about the “Very Special Number” 911

  • Identified different fire safety tips and then practiced them

    • Stay low and go

    • Get out and stay out

    • Have 2 ways out and a special meeting spot

    • Feel the door and what to do if you are trapped in a room

    • Stop, Drop, Cover Your Face, and Roll


  • Calendar

  • Number Talks

  • Quick Looks

  • Math Stations


  • Learned a little bit about St. Martha and her Faith.  Then we watched a video about St. Martha

  • Prayed a decade of the rosary



  • Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song

  • Phonological Awareness Warmups

  • Introduced to the letter Ss - Completed a letter Ss worksheet 

  • Created list of words that begin with the /S/

  • Reviewed our sight words

  • Read through our emergent reader, I See Firefighters

  • Listened to the story, Firefighter Ted

  • Completed a sorting worksheet - safe and not safe fire items

  • Watch a couple of Sparky the Fire dog videos and reviewed fire safety tips

  • Created a class book of fire safety tips - we each wrote and illustrated 1 page


  • Calendar

  • Played Top-It with Dot Cards


  • Completed our Gospel Weekly - Jesus loves everyone and wants us to include everyone

  • Prayed a decade of the rosary


Fire Drill


  • Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song

  • Phonological Awareness Warmups

  • Introduced to the letter Rr - Completed a letter Rr worksheet 

  • Created list of words that begin with the /r/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds

  • Reviewed syllables and completed a syllable sorting worksheet 

  • Colored and cut out a picture of a house and fire truck

  • Mixed red and yellow paint together on a piece of paper to create orange paint


  • Calendar

  • Built numbers using tens blocks and number tiles


  • Virtus lesson - safe adults

  • Prayed a decade of the rosary



  • Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song

  • Phonological Awareness Warmups

  • Introduced to the letter Nn - Completed a letter Nn worksheet 

  • Created list of words that begin with the /n/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds

  • Listened to the story, Fire Trucks

  • Created a fire truck cracker for snack - After watching Ms. Torborg create one, we had to copy her directions to create our own snack.

  • Glued our house and fire truck to our “fire” paper, and added a few details to finish off our picture

  • Watched Chip and Dale, The Rescue Rangers


  • Calendar

  • Beebots


  • Prayer Service

  • Prayed a decade of the rosary


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