This week the kindergarteners learned all about pumpkins. We started with learning about their life cycle all the way from a seed to a big pumpkin. Then we each got a little pumpkin. Before we could look inside it, we had to make some predictions and collect some data. Using some kindergarten tools, we figured out the height, circumference, and buoyancy of our pumpkin. We also took a guess about what our pumpkin would look like inside and how many seeds it might have. Finally, it was time to cut it open and clean it out. As we cleaned it, we had to separate the seeds so we could count. Working with a partner we found out our pumpkins had between 293 and 498 seeds. After counting all of the seeds, we got to roast and eat them as a special treat. Next we made pumpkin pie pudding. We combined vanilla pudding, pumpkin, pumpkin spices, whipped topping, and vanilla wafers. Mmmm! We ended the week by turning our pumpkins into little volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar. Throughout the week we also talked about Jack-o-lanterns. After drawing a picture of a jack-o-lantern, we wrote descriptive words about it.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Bb - Completed a letter Mm worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /b/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds
Listened to the story Pumpkins & Fall Pumpkin Fun
Explored different kinds of life cycles
Completed a life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet
Introduced to the words a & an
Read through our emergent reader, The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Collected data from our pumpkin after making some predictions
How many lines does your pumpkin have?
How tall is your pumpkin? (using cubes)
How wide is your pumpkin? (using links)
Will your pumpkin sink or float?
How many seeds are in your pumpkin?
Completed our Gospel Weekly - A servant is a helper and we want to be a servant of the Lord.
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Dd - Completed a letter Dd worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /d/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds
Colorful pumpkins worksheet
Cleaned out our pumpkins and sorted the seeds
Pumpkin number puzzle worksheet
Listened to the story How Many Seed in a Pumpkin?
Counted all of the seeds we found in our pumpkin
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Talked about St. Pope John Paul II. His feast day is Oct. 22nd. We watched a short video about his life and colored his picture in our saint book.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Vv - Completed a letter Hh worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /v/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds
Reviewed the life cycle of a pumpkin
Roasted pumpkin seeds and ate them for snack. We tried 2 different flavors, salt & cinnamon and sugar.
Listened to the story, How Big Could your Pumpkin Grow? As we listened, we tried to identify all of the describing words.
Drew a picture of a Jack 0’Lantern and wrote 2 describing words
Pocket Problems - identifying the number of objects in a pocket and then adding one more or taking one away.
Discussed the Ten Commandments
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Ww - Completed a letter Ww worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /w/- identified word with the beginning sounds, number of syllables, broke word apart and identified corresponding letter sounds
Listened to the story, Grow a Pumpkin Pie
Made Pumpkin Pie Pudding - As we made our snack, we needed to use a can opener. We talked about how it uses gears to make it go around.
Reviewed the life cycle of a pumpkin
Created volcanoes in our pumpkins by adding vinegar to baking soda
Living Rosary - Prayed the rosary as a whole school with each student representing a bead on the rosary and leading that prayer.
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