This week the kindergarteners explored the world of corn, popcorn, Indian corn, sweet corn, and more. We started with learning about the life cycle of corn. We did a couple of experiments with an ear of dent “feed” corn. We found out that our ear of corn floated in water, weighed about 18 blocks, contained around 400 kernels, and the inside looked like a flower when it was cut in half. We also experimented with popcorn. We found out that popcorn is created when the water inside the corn is heated. The steam (pressure) makes the kernel turn inside out. After watching popcorn pop from an air popper with the lid off, we taste tested different kinds of popcorn toppings. We decided that our favorite topping was cinnamon and sugar. We also wrote a story about eating popcorn while watching our favorite movie. We finished the week with Indian Corn. We noticed Indian corn has lots of different colored kernels. We created our own Indian Corn out of tissue paper squares.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Kk - Completed a letter Kk worksheet
Introduced to our new word, like
Read through ½ of our emergent reader, I Like Corn
Explored different kinds of corn, its uses and life cycle
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Collected different data from an ear of corn after making predictions - number of links long, number of blocks to equal the weight, float or sink, number of kernels
Completed our Gospel Weekly - This week we talked about being invited to a celebration or birthday party and how each week God invites us to the celebration of Mass.
Virtus lesson - when to tell a safe adult
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Uu - Completed a letter Uu worksheet
Explored why popcorn pops by watching a couple of short videos
Created list of words that of things we like to eat on our popcorn
Wrote about our favorite popcorn topping and our favorite movie
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Tasted tested different popcorn toppings and then graphed our favorites
Analyzed the data from the graph
Virtus lesson - identifying feelings, how we may look and feel, and the importance of listening to our bodies
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to the letter Gg - Completed a letter Gg worksheet
Created list of words that begin with the /g/
Listened to the story, Popcorn - identified the beginning, middle, and end of the story
Finished our writing from yesterday (popcorn and a movie) by drawing our picture
Reviewed the life cycle of corn and then put it in order and glued it on a paper plate
Created Indian Corn by gluing tissue paper squares to a corn outline
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Prayed the living rosary as a school outside
Today is the feast of St. Luke. In his honor we watched a short video about his life and colored his picture in our saint book.
No School-MEA
No School-MEA