Happy Catholic Schools Week! This week we celebrated the joys of attending a Catholic school. Each day there was a special dress up opportunity like pajama day, school spirit day, color day, wacky day, and fancy day. There was also a special activity every day. On Monday, we watched the movie Dumbo. On Tuesday, we went roller skating at the Skatin’ Place in St. Cloud. On Wednesday, we had mini-courses all morning. On Thursday, we had a wacky day reversing our schedule and doing things backwards.. On Friday, we played BINGO with Mrs. Dietrich! Thanks to everyone who helped make our week so special.
Catholic Schools Week
Dress: Pajama Day
Activity: Movie Day - We watched the movie Dumbo
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Created a list of things that are special about our school
Wrote about our Favorite Thing about the School of St Philip
Listened to the story Alpert and reviewed settings
Illustrated our penguin facts writing by drawing a picture of a penguin including the setting around it.
Played Bang with short a words and then short e words
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Gospel Weekly - Jesus calls us to be fishermen of men.
Catholic Schools Week
Dress: School Spirit Day
Activity: Field Trip to the Skatin’ Place
Prayer Service
Catholic Schools Week
Dress: Color Day - Kindergarten wore blue
Activity: Mini-Courses
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Watched a video of St John Bosco and colored his picture.
Catholic Schools Week
Dress: Wacky Wear
Activity: We had a wacky day. We did our morning schedule in reverse and then did some activities by starting at the end.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Finished our Favorite Thing about the School of St Philip writing project
Reviewed syllables and completed a worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Fun Stations
Beebots: Short o mat
iPad: Moose Math
Drew a picture on our Thank You card
Played Chutes and Ladders with dice
Worked with Ms. Torborg - Monster Teeth Brushing Activities, Ball Word Test, & Heart Memory Game
Wrote a Thank You card to our parents
Catholic Schools Week
Dress: Dress Your Best
Activity: Bingo
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Fun Stations
Beebots: short e mat
Crack the Code
iPads: Teach Your Monster to Read
Bang Game with short e words
Spin to Win Game with short i words
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Reviewed the addition and equal symbol
Watched a Marcam video ABC items in the church