This week, the kindergartners explored the fascinating world of penguins, learning about their sizes, species, and favorite activities. We discovered that penguins move in various ways: by waddling, hopping, tobogganing, swimming, diving, and even surfing. Their lunch typically consists of fish and krill. Interestingly, not all penguins inhabit cold environments; some live in warmer regions.
Throughout the week, we reviewed fiction and nonfiction, learned to differentiate between facts and opinions, and completed several can/have/are charts. Each student wrote several facts about penguins, which we compiled into a new class book. In science, we conducted an experiment to investigate the importance of blubber. We tested our hands in cold water, comparing one hand submerged in a layer of blubber with the other just in water. Additionally, we experimented with ice and various textures to observe how our slippery ice penguins slid down a slope.
We also dedicated some time this week to taking the NWEA standardized test for winter. As we reach the halfway point of the school year, this test will provide our teachers with valuable insights into what we have learned and what we still need to focus on.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Reviewed all of our sight words
Introduced to new sight words, said & but
Reviewed Fiction and Nonfiction
watched two video clips - identified if they were fiction and nonfiction
listened to two stories -identified if they were fiction and nonfiction
Winter NWEA Reading Test: Foundational Skills, Language & Writing, Literature & Informational, and Vocabulary Use and Functions
Calendar Binder
Math Stations
Explored the Geoboard
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Gospel Weekly - Baptism of the Lord
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to Facts and Opinions
Watched videos about penguins
Listened to 2 books about penguins
Identified different facts about penguins
Completed an et & en Word Family Worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Penguin Roll, Add & Cover worksheet
Winter NWEA Math Test: Numbers & Operations, Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Data Analysis.
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Discussed Baptism and watched a short video about Jesus’ Baptism
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Read our new emergent reader, A Penguin is a Bird!
Listened to the book Penguins & watched a penguin video
Identify facts about penguins
Filled out a can/have/are chart about penguins together as a class
Wrote 2 different sentences - each one was a fact about penguins
Catholic Schools Week Writing Project: What is our favorite thing about the School of St. Philip?
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Baptism - watch a Brother Francis video about baptism
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Listened to 2 different stories - both titled Penguins - identified if they were fiction or nonfictions and why
Reviewed facts and opinions - Listen to the story Facts vs Opinions vc Robots
Wrote 2 different sentences - each one was a fact about penguins
Completed a id, it, ib sorting worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Played spin a number
Prayed a decade of the rosary
Watched a video of St John the Baptist and colored his picture. His special feast day is June 24th.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Science Experiment:
Why we should not wear stretchy gloves to play in the snow?
Does blubber really keep you warmer?
Started an art project by painting the background
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Played Monster Squeeze
STEM: Building a ramp to make your “ice cube penguin” slide faster, slower, and longer?
Prayed a decade of the rosary