In honor of Valentine’s day, we did some writing about love that we turned into a new class book. We each created a page about all of the things that we love. We also did some Valentine’s math with a box of candy hearts. We did some estimating, patterning, adding, graphing, and measuring. In the end, we got to eat some! On Thursday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School. Our 100th day was packed full of fun new activities. It started with Ms. Torborg hiding 100 Hershey Kisses all around the room. Each piece of candy had a special number we had to identify after we found it. We created a 100th day crown with 100 dots and made a necklace with 100 fruit loops. We also created a picture of ourself when we are 100 years old and then we made a list of things that we want to do before we are 100 years old (a bucket list).
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Introduced to new sight words: my & was
Reviewed all of our sight words
Wrote about some of the things we love
Completed an -en Secret Word worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Reviewed shapes and identified shapes in a big picture.
Gospel Weekly - We can from Jesus and others.
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Looked through our new emergent reader, A Valentine For You, for “Secrets”
Read through our emergent reader, A Valentine for You
Completed an -et Secret Word worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Valentine Math: counting, measuring, graphing, adding with candy hearts
Listened and discussed the story Noah’s Ark
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Created a list of thing we want to do before we are 100 years old. (Before I am 100, I will….)
-ig, -in, -ig sorting worksheet
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Seats at a Party - providing a solution is true.
Watched a video of St Benedict and St. Scholastica and colored their pictures.
Listened to the story, Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten
Read 100 words
Calendar Binder
Found 100 Numbered Hershey Kisses, identified their number, and found it on a hundred charts
Created a 100th Day Necklace with 100 fruit loops in groups of 10
Created a 100th Day Hat with 100 dots in groups of 10
Mystery Picture - colored in numbers on a hundreds chart to create a picture
Mass at Meeker Manor
Reviewed our letters and letters sounds - Sang our Better Alphabet Song
Phonological Awareness Warmups
Created a picture of what we might look like when we are 100 years old
Calendar Binder
Number Talk
Hundredth Day Activities- Roll and Record, Longer or Shorter?, Which is heavier?
Noah’s Ark- Retold the story, watched a short video, and created an ark with a rain cloud that turns into a rainbow