This week the kindergarteners explored Thanksgiving, everything from the first Thanksgiving to the special food we eat. We learned about why the Pilgrims left England, their ship the Mayflower, and how some of them died that first year. Then we explored the different ways the Wampanoag people helped the Pilgrims and the feast they had together to celebrate. We also compared what life is like today to that of the Pilgrim people. Then we made a new class book. We each had to create our own Thanksgiving dinner menu. Next we read the story ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. The children in the story save the turkeys and try to convince people to eat something else. We decided to do the same thing. We each wrote a list of things you can eat instead of turkey. We also created a picture of us with a turkey stuffed underneath our shirt. On Thursday, we celebrated the 50th day of school with a Back to the Fifties Party. We counted to fifty, wrote fifty words, and compared household items. We ended the day with a Sock Hop and Root Beer Floats!
Introduced to the new sight word, you
Read through our new emergent reader, Thanksgiving Dinner
Created an -am word family flip book
Played I Have…Who Has… game
Listened to the story, The Very First Thanksgiving Day
Explored the First Thanksgiving
Compared and contrasted our Thanksgiving with the first Thanksgiving
Introduced to new words, pilgrim, Wampanoag, Mayflower, harvest, & feast
Introduced to the tens frame
Represented different numbers on the tens frame
Completed our Promise booklet
Discussed what to do when we are afraid or scared and that we can trust Jesus
Listened to a new secret story for the letters sh
Listened to the story, No Turkey for Thanksgiving.
Defined menu and discussed when and where you might see use one
Created a list of things we like to eat for snack
Created our own Thanksgiving dinner menu and illustrated it
Calendar binders
Daily Math Talk
Turkey Puzzle - Ordering Numbers
Listened to the story of Adam and Eve
Colored their picture
Listened to the story, ’Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
Created a list of items you could eat instead of Turkey
Worked on identifying smaller groups within a big group
Listened to the story, Little Penguin Learns to Fly
Created a retell book of the story by drawing pictures to match the words
Happy 50th Day of School! What an exciting day we had! To celebrate the 50th day of school, we had a Back to the Fifties party!
Read through our new emergent reader, Sock Hop
Wrote 50 words
Created a list of things we can do in 50 years
Completed a Now and Then sorting activity
Root Beer Float science experiment: Does ice cream float in root beer?
Counted to 50 by ones, fives, and tens
Number Find: located numbers on a hundreds chart to create a picture of the word fifty
Created AB, ABB, ABC patterns
Sock hop dance party
Listened to the story, ’Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
Reviewed the characters, setting, and details
Created a person with a big turkey stuffed under their shirt (like the book) and attached our list of alternative foods
Attended Mass