As Easter approaches, we have been talking about Lent and Easter. Our journey started by receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday. Throughout the past few weeks, we have colored each of the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross help us remember what happened to Jesus right before he died. This week we read several stories about the First Easter and created a flip book about the events of Holy Week. We also decorated Easter eggs. We found out that the Easter eggs looked just like the rock that was in front of Jesus’s tomb. It is also a symbol of new life. We got to color all over the egg with our color crayons. Then we dipped it in dye. Plus we applied to be the Easter Bunny’s assistant after reading the book, The Easter Bunny’s Assistant. We had to write about why we would be a good assistant. We got an extra surprise on Thursday when we got back from PE our Easter baskets were filled with treats!
We started our morning talking about all of the important events happening this week, Holy Week. It started yesterday with Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphant ride into Jerusalem. Then we discussed the event of Holy Thursday, the washing of feet, last supper, praying in the garden, and Jesus’ arrest. Then we colored a couple of small pictures.
In reading, we were introduced to our new sight word, out. We practiced reading all of our sight words before we completed our sight word worksheet. Next we worked with our new emergent, The Easter Story. It explained what happened to Jesus during during his last week on earth. We were also introduced to the sh digraph. After watching a short video and identifying several words, we completed a worksheet. We had to use the word bank to write the name of each of the pictures.
In math, we reviewed number bonds. Then we played a new game, Number Bond Addition. We used special dice with the numbers 0 to 5 on them. On our turn, we rolled both dice. We wrote those numbers in the small circles. Next we had to figure out the number for the big circle by adding the two numbers together. Then it was partner’s turn. Once everyone has their number, we had to compare our “big” numbers. The person with the biggest number had to color in their circle. Then we started all over again. Once all of our number bonds were completed, we had to count how many circles were colored. The person with the most colored circles wins.
In religion, we reviewed the Stations of the Cross and then we colored the 14th Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb.
In the afternoon, we read the story The Legend of the Easter Egg. We found out that an Easter eggs looks just like the rock that was in front of Jesus’s tomb. It is also a symbol of new life. Our project was to color Easter eggs. We started by drawing a spring or Easter pictures on our eggs with our color crayons. Then we dipped our eggs in the colored dye. We each got to decorate two eggs!
We ended our day by making an Easter basket. It is in the shape of a little chick. We had to color the arms, feet, head, and beak according to the example. Then we cut them all out. Finally Ms. Torborg stapled the pieces to a bowl.
We started our reading time by reading the story, The Easter Bunny’s Assistant. It was a funny book about what happened to Skunk when he got excited. We actually read through the story several times. The first time we heard the story, we listened for content, to be able to retell the story. The second time we heard the story, we tried to identify the different kinds of sentences. We were able to check our answers by looking at the end marks. The third time we listened to the story, we took notice of how big some of the words were written. We figured out that if the words were larger than they needed to be read louder or with more emphasis. The bigger the words, the more emphasis they needed to be read with. After listening to the story so many times, we determined that Skunk wasn’t the best assistant. We decided that maybe we could do a better job, so we filled out a jog application. On the application, we had to answer a bunch of yes or not questions. Then had to answer 3 “writing” questions about why we would be a good assistant. Ms. Torborg will turn our pages into a class book. We also completed a picture for our book. We had to draw a picture/decorate an Easter egg. We had to do our very best work to prove we could do a good job decorating Easter eggs.
In religion, we continued our discussion about Holy Week with what happened to Jesus after He was arrested, how he had to carry the cross, and finally when he was crucified. Then we colored 2 pictures about the events. We also finished our Stations of the Cross books. First we had to color the last page, Jesus’s Resurrection and the cover. Then Ms. Torborg handed back all of our pages. Once we had all of our pages, we had to put all of our pages in order. This was a little tricky since there wasn’t any page numbers. The final step was having Ms. Torborg bind it together into a book
Ms. Torborg was gone today. Mrs. Dingman was our sub.
In reading, we listened to 2 different stories, The Easter Bear? and Easter. After each story, we had to determine if it was a fiction or nonfiction story and give reasons why. We determined that The Easter Bear? was a fiction story because animals can’t talk, plant gardens, or go on an Easter egg hunt. And that the story Easter was a nonfiction book because it contained fact that informed us about real things. We were also introduced to action verbs. Actions verbs are the “what” that the noun is doing. We started with a video explaining action verbs and then there was an identification activity we did together. Finally we played a little game. If the word Ms. Torborg called out was an action verb, we had to do the action. Otherwise, we had to sit completely still. Plus we worked on sentences. We started by reviewing the different components of a complete sentence. Then we completed a sentence building worksheet. We had to cut out the words at the bottom of the page and arrange them in order to make a sentence. Once the sentence made sense, we had to glue them down and write the sentence down.
In math, we were introduced to a new game, Dice Addition. After directions, we gathered our supplies. Each person needed their counters, a tens frame, and two dice. To play, each person rolls their dice, adds the numbers together, and announces their number. The person with the higher number gets to add a counter to their tens frame. If the numbers are the same, each person gets to add a counter to their tens frame. Then they each roll again. The player that fills their tens frame first wins.
In religion, we continued our discussion about Holy Week with what happened to Jesus after He was crucified, how is bodied was taken down from the cross and buried in an empty tomb. Then we colored 2 pictures about the events.
After recess, we gathered together as a whole school via Zoom for the Stations of the Cross. Mrs. Lingen lead us as we listened to what happened at each station and said a short prayer.
During religion, we talked about all of the important events happening this week, Holy Week. We especially reviewed the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Then we talked about what happened 3 days later on Easter. Then we colored a picture about Jesus rising from the dead. Next, we took all of the pictures we colored all week and created a flip book of the Story of Easter. Finally we watched a Brother Francis video about Easter!
In reading and math, we completed a easter packet. We had to read and write CVC words, color a picture according to the vowel sound in a given word, match some tens blocks to a given number, and solve some addition and subtraction problems.
When we got back from PE, we found some special treats in our Easter basket. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching our movie, enjoying our new pens and paper, and a little extra free time.
No School - Good Friday